Wednesday, May 16, 2012

theCOUCH - I Love Big Butts and Fiction Eludes Me

Of my most favourite ironies  in this increasingly dual existance the intricacy and complexity surrounding the most controversial part of the human anatomy protrudes. This region of the body map has a most profound task of hosting a rectum whose purpose is as equally profound,  allowing the bowels the reoccurring delight of excreting a substance arguably most vile in all history of repugnance. Yet at the same time, dependant on proportional values,  it eagerly aspires to the single most sexually arousing part of the female form. A battle between form and function eventuates. Where function is unanimously horrid and shameful, whilst the form is enough - even held in the mind artistically enough - to redirect a mans blood circulation to a limb that does not necessarily aid in walking or handling objects.

Far less interesting however is this duality than is the purpose of the next few paragraphs – to discovery why the  form so drunkenly compels us all as if no other aesthitic offered by earth is worthy of an erection. This purpose is why I have journeyed beyond the borders of wikipedia, through the tempestuous deserts of google, companioned only by my bic pen and an anthropological defiance. I sought to relinquish the reason why the wind nudging my shoulders as a result of a female form passing me, signals my turning and completely consuming the marvelous envisage that is her arse as she walks off so transcendently. My mission from that point on, would be 'to get to the bottom of this'.

In the heart of my secondary years I had the great honor of being exposed to numerous takes on Western takes on African takes of art. More a dishonor really considering I am now an Artist in Africa. The area of sculpture however, amidst its very one sided and politically driven conetmporaty they camoflauged as fine art, I now recall as the Gluteus Maximus' signature. Dating from pretty old to not so old, these illustrations of the subsumed by fertility themes female form , all appear to have certain body parts exaggerated amazingly in size. This prolific thickness would extend generously around the figures' adequately carved thighs, breasts and buttocks. Fertility dolls, theyre called, reiterate the reknowned idea that men want a woman with larger assets.
 I will demonstrate this notion in this very intricate and breath-taking example: bigger woman – bigger child - bigger legacy
This exuberant fat depository capacity represents too, other sought after, more mainstream traits like opulence, health, happiness and wealth. In some counties, thickness is not just revered but it is inforced. Jamaica being a 'fitting' example where over 65 percent of the female population are classified as obese. In this island nation particular emphasis is placed on having generous hips and hindquarters, a condition known as steatopygia. 

Steatopygia ( /stiːˌætɵˈpɪdʒiə/;[1] Greek: στεατοπυγία) is a high degree of fat accumulation in and around the buttocks. The deposit of fat is not confined to the gluteal regions, but extends to the outside and front of the thighs, forming a thick layer reaching sometimes to the knee. - wikipeadia (You have got to adore the interweb)

(an interesting note is that this condition is not gender specific. Yes, it has fortunately been gradually faded by time but men, too, had bums of  dreams)

The Steatopygia partisans believed that a woman’s ability to produce healthier, larger and stronger offspring would be heightened as this disposition more pompously instilled itself. Most civilizations right now with limited exposure to the model worshipping media and thus influence still believe vehemently in having their woman curvy as opposed to ‘infertile’. In the islands of Tonga, beauty is still demarcated by large physical proportions. 110 000 of the islands 114 000 inhabitants are obese. There is also an inflating pill market across the world, which caters to young women attempting to gain weight. Places like Kuwait. Nauru, Mauritius frown upon woman exercising and feed girls from a young age exuberant quantities of fatty camel milk throughout entire day. Women in these kind of societies are frequently divorced for their inability to maintain a spherical existence after child birth. 

A human, as an animal, driven by instincts that insist upon the survival of a humankind must contribute at all costs to the cause. He must produce the fittest offspring in order to ensure the next generation emerges at a similar or stronger stance as a specie.
The air drenched in male, cunning eyes lock after having pondered the sumptuous chance at the females bum. Survivals trigger retracts and shoots into both animals a virulent rush of brutalilty. 
This is not because of some innate hate male animals have for one another but it is because the victor of this unrelenting bout will ultimately have been the strongest, and most likely to produce a stronger youngling together with the female counterpart. 
With this common event acknolwedged, aggression and sex are accomplished. Freud argued those two attributes, mans most primary instincts. My animal bang-on has successfully cheered him on.

The love for bum, is deeply embedded within our DNA. Not for perverted reasons but for the protection of the human existence.  Media ran states, I believe, still subconsciously know this but the social stigmas surrounding obesity do not allow for an ideally rounder wife to co-exist with a strong sense of self and achievement. According to the 21s century social doctrine, as I’m sure you are aware, women are to maintain twig-like physiques as to  reach a state of sexual attractiveness. The Gods of our age, fashion and television,  preach strongly against letting ones self go.
A few flashes of hope have briefly held my breath as I transcended the 1900's. A beyonce here and a J-lo there. But the enthrall of the round bum embraced only the Native demographic.
Interestingly enough however, European women, in as recent as the 18th century wore walking costumes and ball gowns that would extend curvaceously from the backside – creating an illusion of a larger than life hindqurters. Explicated by these superfluous costumes is that the African bum motif is also installed in the genetic code of the Europeans. Globalization, if you will. 
It only becomes an affliction, i suppose, when we see that they do not posses the necessary resources.

How quickly they forget themselves. 

Meanwhile, with the prevalence of AIDS and other diseases that riddle us, the association between weight-loss and illness contribute immensely to our not-so-warm view of thinness. Steatopygia/Thickness has embedded itself culturally as the official opposition to lower standards of life. Regardless though of socio-political factors, this magnetic relationship between my eyes and that booty is innate and I am absolutely compelled that I had nothing to do with it. And for the absence of comprehension of the reality where which it does not exist, I am truly  grateful. 

The European and Western influences within my environment are undeniable. They aim to kill what we are. to rid us of the polygamous instincts. Flat sodas that are bottomless cokes replace the vigor of a world unscathed by simulated human beings. In this world where anorexia is filmed, cut, printed and applauded it would be plausible to predict the death of ass in the near future.
I will however, take a stand and revolt against the killing of our true nature by bum slapping every girl that nature has deemed worthy of my open palm. I will scream the name of Darwin whilst uttering inspired phrases such as: Doggy Style. I will open windows, allowing the rude and obnoxious lyrics of MC Hammer escape the confines of my living room, and confess!.. I like big butts and fiction eludes me!!
